Saturday, 9 February 2008

Websites i have worked with recently

Hi Everyone.

I have been really busy recently looking at the SEO of a couple of websites. Firstly that of, these guys specialise in digital tachographs and secondly who are focused on decorating suppliers to professionals and the general public. Why not have a look at these two sites and suggest possible improvments you see to me?

I have also been busy working on my own site, it is focused on gardening products and will be coming soon. I have been doing this to sharpen up my CSS skills (I have been using tables for far longer than I should have been!)

All the best,


My first blog post

Hi everyone,

I have decided at long last to change my homepage and put something a bit more interesting in its place. Welcome to my Blog :-) I will post new things here, some will be for general interest and some will be Internet related. If you have anything you would like to see here please let me know.

All the best
