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Welcome to Grott Video's Competition Page

This questionnaire is part of Grott Video's improvement program. We, here at Grott video, would be very grateful if you would spare the time to fill it in. If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us. If you have any further comments please use the space provided by the final question to enter them.

The Questionnaire

1. How did you hear about the Grott Video website?

A. Just found it by accident
B. A friend told me about it
C. I found it whilst using a search engine
D. I noticed an advert in the local paper
E. Don't Know
F. Other, please state

2. Would you be interested in a Grott Video flyer e-mailed to you every week?


3. Are you already a member of a Video Store?


4. If you are already a member of another video store please tell us which one/ones?

5. If you are already a member of another video store please tell us the best thing about it

6. If you are already a member of another video store please tell us the worst thing about it

7. What is your first name?

8. What is your surname?

9. Are you male or female?


10. Please complete your address below (Grott Video need it in case you win the prize);
Street Address:





11. What is your e-mail address?

12. If you have any other comments or suggestions please tell us about them.

Thanks again for you time; your comments will be useful for us in improving the service that we provide to you. Good luck in the competition! If you have any questions or problems please do not hessertate to contact us.

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